Published date

February 03, 2025

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Interested in learning about ways to support your health and well-being, but not sure of what the doctor might say? It's normal to have mixed feelings, but don't let that stop you from taking the important step for your health.

In the second episode of Day in a Life, join Lisa and her dad as he attends his first Healthier SG consultation and understands how he can improve his health by making simple lifestyle adjustments.

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What can you expect after enrolling in Healthier SG?

At your first consultation, you will work together with your chosen GP to:

  1. Take health measurements
  2. Review your health history and current health situation
  3. Identify any conditions that you may have
  4. Create a personalised Health Plan for you, and set actionable health goals

To manage his high blood pressure, Lisa's dad received helpful advice from his GP on moderating his alcohol intake, from three cans of beer to two cans per week.

He gradually found the changes to be manageable and discovered additional benefits of Healthier SG. For example, the cost of his high blood pressure medication at his GP clinic is comparable to polyclinic prices after subsidies.

He also learned about the resources available to support him, through the HealthHub and Healthy 365 apps. The Health Hub app allows him to view his Health Plan and keep track of his goals, while the Healthy 365 app offers activities such as workout classes to help him stay active.

Visiting your GP for your first Health Plan consultation soon? Watch the video above to find out what you can expect from the session, and health management tips that you can get from your doctor.

This article is brought to you in partnership with Ministry of Health.